Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome to English 7!

Good Morning!

Welcome to English 7! Each day an essential question and agenda will be posted here. Some days there will also be materials posted right here or to Google Classroom. Be sure to favorite the class blog and check it often.

I am excited to work with you this year.

Ms. Perez


Essential Question: What is expected in English 7 this year? What do I need to do/know in order to be successful?

Work Time

1. Find your assigned seat.
2. Ms. Perez will introduce herself.
3. Go over course criteria sheet.
4. Getting to know you activity.


1. Review today's activities.
2. Clean up space.
3. Pack up (when given the direction to do so!)

Homework: Get course criteria sheet signed. Bring in required supplies. Due Friday!

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