Monday, September 12, 2016

Learning Contract/Dear Me Letter

Essential Question: What are my feelings about starting a new school year?

Bell Work: Complete and sign your learning contract for English 7!
Work Time
  1. Writer's workshop: Dear Me Letter (personal reflection assignment)
  2. You will have the whole class period to work on this assignment.

Assignment Details (WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO GET AN A!)

In your notebooks, brainstorm about the following:
  • Goals
  • Expectations
  • Feelings about starting a new school year in a new building!
2. Task: Write a Dear Me Letter. 
Here are some guidelines on how to get an A: 
  • Write yourself a letter discussing your feelings about starting a new school year.
  • What did you love and hate about last year?
  • What are your goals and expectations for this year?
  • How do you feel about being at SOTA?

*Note: These guidelines are here to get you started. You may add to the them as well!

* If you type your letter, please use Microsoft Word and SAVE YOUR WORK! Don't know how? ASK!
  1. We will decide as a class if we need more time on this assignment.
  2. Clean up space.
  3. Pack up (when given the direction to do so!)

Homework: TBD

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