Thursday, November 17, 2016


Past Due Work: 
Vocabulary Check
Vocabulary Quiz
Reader's Notes Ch. 8-10
Book Check
Visualizing Lyddie Project (40% of Grade)

Due Tomorrow (11/18): READ CHAPTER 7 of Lyddie!
Due Monday (11/21): Lyddie Reader's Notes Ch. 8-17

Friday, October 28, 2016

Visualizing Lyddie Project

Today we went over for the guidelines of this project, which are on Google Classroom! Here are some examples from past students to help you plan your projects!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mill Times

Bell Work: Turn in Reader's Notes for chapters 1-7 on Google Classroom.

Introduction: Go over questions for Mill Times video (due tomorrow!)

Work Time
1. Begin to watch Mill Times.

2. Discuss/answer questions.

Closure: Ask questions! Write down your homework!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Working Conditions and Lyddie!

Bell Work: Please go to google classroom and complete the pre-reading activity, titled: "Working Conditions."

Work Time
1. Go through the pre-reading activity and compare with a partner.
2. Begin reading chapter one of the novel.
3. Discuss reading.

Your Thought Provoking Questions are due tomorrow! Please write it down in your agenda and ask questions before they are due.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Islands of Personality

Bell Work: List some qualities/characteristics that you have. What is important to you?

Essential Question: What are the core elements of my personality?

Opening: Discuss bell work, go over the Islands of Personality assignment.

Work Time: Look at some examples and create your own island.

Closure: Share out

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

NWEA Day 3!

Today's codes are at the bottom of this post! Please print your score page when you are done. If you finish the test, please read independently, work on homework, go to or write a poem!



Tuesday, September 20, 2016

NWEA Day 2!

Go to Google Chrome:
Type in:
Usually pop-ups need to be unblocked, you can do that by selecting the top right icon (blue square with red mark) and select ALWAYS ALLOW
Once pop ups have been allowed, refresh the page.
Select MAP6+ Reading only
Do not press the backspace key or the arrows. It will log you out.

If you finished the test yesterday, you have been reset and have to retake it. Please read the questions.

Session: ELA78
Password: 5379

Monday, September 19, 2016


Good Morning!

Today, we are taking the NWEA. There was no way to prepare for this assessment. Just do your best!

Here is what you need to do:

1. Make sure you are on GOOGLE CHROME and Go to:
Usually pop-ups need to be unblocked, you can do that by selecting the top right icon (blue square with red mark) and select ALWAYS ALLOW
Once pop ups have been allowed have them refresh the page, it should look normal now
2. Select: MAP6+ Reading only
DO NOT press the backspace key or the arrows because it will log you out.
Session and Passwords
Session: ELA78
Password: 8892

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Google Classroom Introduction

Bell Work
1. Take out your homework and put it on your desk.
2. In your notebooks write down one thing you are enjoying about school this year and one thing you wish you could change.

1. Collect homework
2. Informal sharing of I Am Poems

Work Time
1. Go to  and sign in using your student account

2. Join our class! The code is o89qiay

3. Read our first announcement. You should take notes and be able to report out by the end of class.

1. Report out.
2. Ask questions you may have about Google Classroom.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Writing an "I Am " Poem

Bell Work
Make a list of characteristics that describe you! Hint: We will use these characteristics in our writing today.

Take out your Dear Me Letter to be turned in. Anyone interested in sharing?

Essential Questions: Do I know how to write an I Am Poem? What are some characteristics that make me unique?

Work Time

1. Review today's assignment.

2. Write an "I Am" Poem
3. Decorate your work if you have time.

Informal sharing in partners or with the whole group.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Writing Day!

Today you will have the entire class period to finish your Dear Me Letters.

If you finish early, please review your letter and correct and mistakes you find.

Try to add details to your writing and be specific!

 If you finish early, read an independent book.

If you do not finish in class today, please complete this assignment for HOMEWORK!

Need help? Just ask!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Learning Contract/Dear Me Letter

Essential Question: What are my feelings about starting a new school year?

Bell Work: Complete and sign your learning contract for English 7!
Work Time
  1. Writer's workshop: Dear Me Letter (personal reflection assignment)
  2. You will have the whole class period to work on this assignment.

Assignment Details (WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO GET AN A!)

In your notebooks, brainstorm about the following:
  • Goals
  • Expectations
  • Feelings about starting a new school year in a new building!
2. Task: Write a Dear Me Letter. 
Here are some guidelines on how to get an A: 
  • Write yourself a letter discussing your feelings about starting a new school year.
  • What did you love and hate about last year?
  • What are your goals and expectations for this year?
  • How do you feel about being at SOTA?

*Note: These guidelines are here to get you started. You may add to the them as well!

* If you type your letter, please use Microsoft Word and SAVE YOUR WORK! Don't know how? ASK!
  1. We will decide as a class if we need more time on this assignment.
  2. Clean up space.
  3. Pack up (when given the direction to do so!)

Homework: TBD

Learning Contract/Dear Me Letter

Essential Question: What are my feelings about starting a new school year?

Bell Work: Complete and sign your learning contract for English 7!
Work Time
  1. Writer's workshop: Dear Me Letter (personal reflection assignment)
  2. You will have the whole class period to work on this assignment.

Assignment Details (WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO GET AN A!)

In your notebooks, brainstorm about the following:
  • Goals
  • Expectations
  • Feelings about starting a new school year in a new building!
2. Task: Write a Dear Me Letter. 
Here are some guidelines on how to get an A: 
  • Write yourself a letter discussing your feelings about starting a new school year.
  • What did you love and hate about last year?
  • What are your goals and expectations for this year?
  • How do you feel about being at SOTA?

*Note: These guidelines are here to get you started. You may add to the them as well!

* If you type your letter, please use Microsoft Word and SAVE YOUR WORK! Don't know how? ASK!
  1. We will decide as a class if we need more time on this assignment.
  2. Clean up space.
  3. Pack up (when given the direction to do so!)

Homework: TBD

Friday, September 9, 2016

Classroom Procedures Continued

Essential Question Do I know what Ms. Perez expects in English 7? Am I prepared to start a new school year?

Bell Work
  1. Find your assigned seat.
  2. Take out your homework to be checked.
Work Time
  1. Take notes on expectations/consequences
  2. Go over classroom procedures
  1. Complete Learning Contract
  2. Write down homework assignments
Do something fun!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Classroom Procedures

Essential Question
Do I know what Ms. Perez expects in English 7? Am I prepared to start a new school year?

Bell Work
  1. Find your assigned seat.
  2. Complete Getting to Know You Sheet
Work Time
  1.  Informal Sharing
  2. Take notes on expectations/consequences
  3. Go over classroom procedures
  1. Complete Learning Contract
  2. Write down homework assignments
  1. Bring in signed course criteria sheet
  2. Bring in required supplies for the class.


Expectations and Consequences

Please be:


Consequences when EXPECTATIONS are not MET!

WRITE ACTION PLAN (at lunch detention)


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome to English 7!

Good Morning!

Welcome to English 7! Each day an essential question and agenda will be posted here. Some days there will also be materials posted right here or to Google Classroom. Be sure to favorite the class blog and check it often.

I am excited to work with you this year.

Ms. Perez


Essential Question: What is expected in English 7 this year? What do I need to do/know in order to be successful?

Work Time

1. Find your assigned seat.
2. Ms. Perez will introduce herself.
3. Go over course criteria sheet.
4. Getting to know you activity.


1. Review today's activities.
2. Clean up space.
3. Pack up (when given the direction to do so!)

Homework: Get course criteria sheet signed. Bring in required supplies. Due Friday!