Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Today's Agenda 1/18/17

Good Morning 7th Graders,

We have a lot to do today! Here is your agenda:

1. Bell Work: Welcome Ms. Marou! Introductions, etc.

2. Sharing of No Name-Calling Week work from yesterday (BONUS POINTS)

3. Quiz on chapters 5-7 of A Long Walk to Water.

4. While you are taking your quiz you will have a book/planner check.

5. Continue reading!

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Past Due Work: 
Vocabulary Check
Vocabulary Quiz
Reader's Notes Ch. 8-10
Book Check
Visualizing Lyddie Project (40% of Grade)

Due Tomorrow (11/18): READ CHAPTER 7 of Lyddie!
Due Monday (11/21): Lyddie Reader's Notes Ch. 8-17

Friday, October 28, 2016

Visualizing Lyddie Project

Today we went over for the guidelines of this project, which are on Google Classroom! Here are some examples from past students to help you plan your projects!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mill Times

Bell Work: Turn in Reader's Notes for chapters 1-7 on Google Classroom.

Introduction: Go over questions for Mill Times video (due tomorrow!)

Work Time
1. Begin to watch Mill Times.

2. Discuss/answer questions.

Closure: Ask questions! Write down your homework!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Working Conditions and Lyddie!

Bell Work: Please go to google classroom and complete the pre-reading activity, titled: "Working Conditions."

Work Time
1. Go through the pre-reading activity and compare with a partner.
2. Begin reading chapter one of the novel.
3. Discuss reading.

Your Thought Provoking Questions are due tomorrow! Please write it down in your agenda and ask questions before they are due.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Islands of Personality

Bell Work: List some qualities/characteristics that you have. What is important to you?

Essential Question: What are the core elements of my personality?

Opening: Discuss bell work, go over the Islands of Personality assignment.

Work Time: Look at some examples and create your own island.

Closure: Share out

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

NWEA Day 3!

Today's codes are at the bottom of this post! Please print your score page when you are done. If you finish the test, please read independently, work on homework, go to or write a poem!
